Hydro Excavation

Providing Hydro Excavation on the Tweed Coast & Northern Rivers

Fast, Reliable, Non-Destructive Digging

At CF Group, we offer comprehensive hydro excavation on the Gold Coast, Northern Rivers and surrounds. Hydro excavation is a safe method for digging down to water pipes and other underground utilities without causing damage. We utilise the advanced Non-Destructive Digging (NDD) technique, employing hydro excavation equipment that combines pressurised water with vacuum technology. 

With this approach, we direct high-pressure water to break up soil and materials, creating a slurry. Simultaneously, our vacuum system efficiently removes the slurry, clearing land and revealing utilities with precision and care. Our skilled technicians employ specialised tools and techniques to ensure accurate and controlled excavation around sensitive assets, minimising the risk of any harm or disruption. This method guarantees efficient and precise results while preserving the integrity of underground infrastructure.

Contact CF Group for hydro excavation in the Northern Rivers, the Tweed Coast or the Gold Coast. You can call us on 0434 023 455.

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The Advantages of Hydro Excavation

Hydro excavation is advantageous because it is:

  1. Non-destructive: Hydro excavation is a non-destructive method that minimises the risk of damaging underground utilities like gas lines, water pipes and fibre optic cables, ensuring safer and more precise excavation.
  2. Environmentally friendly: This technique uses pressurised water and vacuum systems, significantly reducing the environmental impact compared to traditional excavation methods.
  3. Faster & more efficient: Hydro excavation allows for quicker digging, as the high-pressure water breaks up the soil, making it easier to remove, leading to faster project completion.
  4. Accurate & controlled: The precision of hydro excavation ensures accurate digging around sensitive areas, preventing costly repairs or service disruptions due to accidental damages.
  5. Versatile: Hydro excavation is suitable for various applications, including potholing, trenching, daylighting, and exposing utility lines, making it a versatile choice for different industries and projects.

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