Waste Recycling

Facilitating Waste Recycling on the Tweed Coast & Northern Rivers

Working Wonders by Recycling Waste

Our focus for handling different types of waste is to recycle or find the best environmentally friendly way to use it again. At CF Group, we go that little bit further to achieve that goal. We travel to all areas in the Northern Rivers, as well as the Tweed Coast and the Gold Coast. 

The types of waste that we recycle include the following:

Soil sludges

Liquid food wastes

Glass bottles

Soft plastics

Timber pallets

Aluminium cans

Bulka bags


Get in touch today to arrange a waste recycling service. We also offer haulage for liquid and solid waste. You can reach CF Group on 0434 023 455.

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Why Should I Recycle Waste?

Having waste removed doesn’t have to be wasteful. Recycling affords the following benefits:

  1. Environmental preservation: Recycling reduces the need for raw materials extraction, conserving natural resources and protecting ecosystems from the environmental impact of mining processes.
  2. Energy conservation: Recycling often requires less energy than producing goods from raw materials, leading to reduced energy consumption and lower greenhouse gas emissions.
  3. Waste reduction: Recycling diverts waste from landfills, reducing the volume of waste sent for disposal and extending the lifespan of landfill sites.
  4. Economic benefits: Recycling generates employment opportunities in the recycling industry and contributes to economic growth through the creation of new markets.
  5. Climate change mitigation: By lowering energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, recycling plays a role in mitigating climate change and promoting a sustainable future.

If you’d like to have the waste at your site recycled, don’t hesitate to contact CF Group today.

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